Would I be correct in assuming that spaces are not allowed in item codes?
I imported some products into the system with the format xxx xxx xxxx, but appears in ReadyPro in the format xxxxxxxxxx.
Fabio22/07/2012 11:51
Quote: Would I be correct in assuming that spaces are not allowed in item codes?
Yes, spaces are not allowed in codes.
Quote: I imported some products into the system with the format xxx xxx xxxx, but appears in ReadyPro in the format xxxxxxxxxx.
My suggestion is to edit source file changing "xxx xxx xxxx" to "xxx-xxx-xxxx" (or "xxx.xxx.xxxx" or something similar) before importing
WPZ23/07/2012 10:55
We are happy enough to retain the product codes without spaces, but I wonder if this issue might affect e-bay listing associations?
Fabio23/07/2012 13:17
Quote: but I wonder if this issue might affect e-bay listing associations?
If you have some listings with spaces in your SKU this will be a problem because the association will not work (SKU need to be updated removing or replacing spaces)
WPZ25/07/2012 11:45
When I originally imported the part numbers, ReadyPro simply removed the spaces. Would this not be the case when it comes to ReadyPro recognising eBay SKUs?
Fabio26/07/2012 08:56
No, when matching with eBay SKUs spaces are not removed. The SKU needs to match exactly the one used for your inventory item