If we were to input new stock based on deliveries (and not supplier orders) we would not be able to input cost prices until a later date (i.e. when we receive an invoice).
My question is - is there a way tp filter an items list to show only the products that do not have a cost price assigned to them?
Fabio22/07/2012 13:51
Quote: My question is - is there a way tp filter an items list to show only the products that do not have a cost price assigned to them?
You can use a filter rule like this:
Fabio22/07/2012 13:58
To insert supplier costs before you receive an invoice you can insert suppliers prices in the Suppliers section of each item
Fabio22/07/2012 14:00
You will find minimum, average and maximum calculated on this prices automatically calculated in the "Base prices" section (because you can have multiple suppliers for each item, each with a different price)
Fabio22/07/2012 14:02
And you can calculate selling prices starting from this prices adding a markup % (this is useful to auto-calculate selling prices until you have actually purchased products)