Is it possible for ReadyPro to automatically generate reports on a regular basis? And if so, can ReadyPro be set to automatically send these reports to designated email addresses?
Fabio11/07/2012 11:30
Quote: Is it possible for ReadyPro to automatically generate reports on a regular basis?
On a general basis the answer is yes, creating customized scripts (in VBScript or Javascript language). It depends on the report type. Could you make some examples?
WPZ11/07/2012 11:39
Quote: Could you make some examples?
I was thinking along the lines of a monthly report of sales and purchases.
Fabio11/07/2012 11:52
Quote: I was thinking along the lines of a monthly report of sales and purchases.
If it's only a text report (with dates, amounts, etc.) it's possible to create a script that calculate totals, and sends results via email. If you need a graphical report you have to generate it manually (using ACCOUNTING / STATISTICS and MS Excel)